The “Castle of Fear” opens its doors in Lauro

Castello Lancellotti di Lauro (Av)

The “Castello della Paura” (Castle of Fear). A few words to wrap together all the magic of a world suspended, made of dark stories and phantasmagoric location. For the second year in a row back the much-anticipated event of the company “Il Demiurgo SRLs” , staged in the halls of Lancellotti Castle of Lauro (Avellino). After the success of last year, in fact, the 15, 16 and 17 November next, starting at 17:00 and continuing until after midnight, it will be written a new page in the nightmare of the trip “weblog” Demiurge. The story is new and different compared to that of last year, but the trademark remains the same. Unmistakable: dark and original stories, poised between madness and horror, which will have as its backdrop the impressive manor Irpinia.

The show relies on the collaboration of the cultural association “Pro Lauro” and the group “Eterea danze storiche“. The original soundtrack will be edited by Massimo Albano, and arranged by Ciro Punzo.

The audience will be swept away by a timeless and unreal in which blood and death mingle together. The characters will act , live and die in the midst of people. Guide the audience between the rivers of blood and horror , in the presence of true and just shreds of hell exploded on the surface.

Ten, all the actors in the cast:  Luigi Andeloro, Salvatore Grasso, Ferdinando Nappi, Giovanni Verdoliva, Emilia Esposito, Luigi Manzi, Loredana Nappi, Marina Andeloro, Franco Nappi e Daniele Acerra. .

After the success of last year, “Il Castello della Paura” , which uses the sponsor’s Original Marines , will also become a format that will be exported to other fortresses of Campania and not only that, since, from the month of February, the event will be staged in other historical locations of the Terra Felix .

Il Castello della Paura” 15, 16 and 17 November at Lancellotti Castle, Lauro (Av)

Reservations are recommended

info: 366.2080108 and 333.4165867

info.demiurgo @

Facebook profile of the Demiurge