The trumpet of Fabrizio Bosso to “Live the cloister” of Sorrento


Great music and a frame of the most beautiful and attractive areas of Sorrento. Are the two ingredients of the first edition of “Live to the cloister”, the series of events scheduled to cloister of San Francesco, near the scenic town park of Sorrento. It starts Sunday, June 28, with a proposal that will delight lovers of jazz and, more generally, music lovers: “Michele Di Martino-Meets Fabrizio Bosso & Walter Ricci“. He arrives in Sorrento Fabrizio Bosso, whose performances on trumpet won admirers around the world. Bosso plays the trumpet from the age of five years and today, he has 40 years, has a series of successful performances in different parts of the planet. Bosso Sunday will rise to 21 on stage set up in the picturesque cloister, considered by the musicians an ideal place to play, thanks to perfect acoustics and at the same time the extraordinary architectural statement. With Fabrizio Bosso on June 28 they will perform Walter Ricci and Michele Di Martino live trio: admission is free subject to availability. The event “Live the cloister”, promoted by the municipal administration headed by Mayor Giuseppe Cuomo and funded by the Region of Campania, in the artistic direction is curated by Danilo Fruscio and falls within the extensive range of cultural events planned for the summer: “The event at the cloister of San Francesco – says the newly confirmed Mayor of Sorrento, Giuseppe Cuomo – is fully part in the wide program of initiatives planned between late June and early October. An event that combines good music and beauty of our land, in order to offer the best of Sorrento to the many guests of our city”. “It starts from the cloister – echoes Mario Gargiulo, executive events for the council – and then broaden the proposal iconic locations. In addition to music, the festival also wants to promote the values ​​of friendship. One aspect that always important, but that is of fundamental importance in difficult times such as we are experiencing”.