Music in hill with the Sant’Elmo Estate Festival


Nights of music to the shade of the bastions. It has reached the sixth edition the Sant’Elmo Estate Festival 2013, the traditional kermesse reserved to the good music organized in the spaces of the famous hilly fortress in Naples by the cultural associations “Naples Jazz Festival” and “Naples Motus”, with the contribution of Region Campania and Common of Naples.

More than a castle: a real stage that select for the event. The ideal place for the exhibitions of the big of the stave which will alternate him in the Plaza of weapons accompanied, as from tradition, from band that they will open the evening contributing, with their sound, to heat her “plaza.”[charme-gallery]

Three the appointments in calendar in June. It departs Thursday 20, at 9 pm, with Francis Baccini’s tribute to the great Luigi Tenco (“Baccini sings Tenco”). They will open the evening the Zoramas.

On June (Friday) 21, to the same time, it will touch to the singer songwriter and flutist partenopeo Giovanni Block and to it covers her/it of his/her tour “Venghino gentlemen venghino.” Before the exhibition of Block, it will touch to Victorzeta and Blue Flowers to perform in the courtyard of the castle.

Finally Monday June 24 th (always to the 21) Castel Sant’Elmo will entertain the Paul Fresu Devil Quartet with his “Desert.” Open stage: Alexander Tedesco 4set.[charme-gallery]


Thursday June 20 th times 21.00 Castels Sant’Elmo – Plaza of weapons “Baccini sings Tenco” open stage: Zorama set to sit numbered: €.23,00 place to sit not numbered: €. 16.00

Friday 21 June times 21.00 Castels S. Helmet – Plaza of weapons Giovanni Block. “Vadino Lords Vadino” open stage: Victorzeta and the Flowers Blue unique Place: €. 15.00

Monday June 24 th times 21.00 Castels S. Helmet – Plaza of weapons Paul Fresu Devil Quartet. “Desert” open stage: Alexander Tedesco 4et place to sit numbered: €.23,00 place to sit not numbered: €. 16.00

Pre-sale and info:, +39.081.803.83.82, +39.081.761.12.21, +39.081.551.91.88, +39.081.556.80.54, +39.081. 556.47.26, +396.