In the belly of the ancient Partenope with the Forum of Cultures


The Universal Forum of Cultures Naples and Campania offers an interesting cultural event in the Forum Spread: “Villages and seats”.
This initiative, which began on November 8, which will animate the historic city of Partenope and expressly ordered by the President of the Second Municipality Francesco Chirico and organized by the Advisory Associations of the Second Municipality.
The event aims to promote our immense historical and architectural heritage and to enhance the richness of the diverse commercial and cultural activities intrinsic to the fabric anthropology.
In fact, the territory of the Second Municipality, which includes the Church of Sant’Aniello Caponapoli, the Borgo Orefici, Porta Nolana and Pignasecca, is characterized by many different features that make them unique city. These are places that are home to not only churches, museums and sites that are part of the historical heritage – Neapolitan artistic but also local markets and villages of ancient crafts. For this reason, it was decided to create a close connection of interests between the cultural and the commercial and tourism, offering the public a range of initiatives that will take place during the weekend of November.


For the next week confirms the Caponapoli Walk, a guided tour with literary reading, drink and a movie about the city of Pompeii, Vesuvius Literary Park designed by Legambiente Onlus. The initiative, which has been quite successful in the weekend just gone from ‘appointment at Piazza Bellini for the weekend of 22, 23, 29 and 30 November (Saturday from 17.30 to 20.30 and on Sundays from 10.30 to 13.30). It is a unique trip that aims to promote Caponapoli Hill, in the heart of the historic center which in addition to retrace along the path near the crib market, will offer citizens the opportunity to visit the Church of Sant’Aniello Caponapoli recently restored and returned to full public use.
The initiative will then be enriched by the literary reading of a short story by Salvatore di Giacomo, where the actress Tiziana Tirrito, will revive the figure of Assunta Spina. And finally you will go to some workshops and we will travel to the Museum Shop, innovative proposal to promote tourism that for some months carries out its activities in the ancient seat of the Nile wide body of Naples.
Even the Cooperative ParteNeapolis return to villages and seats after the great success of the ways the crafts. In fact, 19 to 22 November, the Cooperative serves as a collateral event of a guided tour of the Treasure Room (located in the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore), which will be an opportunity for enrichment and deepening of some ancient crafts (weaving and jewelery) through the artifacts on display in the museum room. We provide two starts, one at 10:00 am and another at 11:00 am.
There will be spoiled for choice!

“Villages and seats”
19 – 30 November 2014, Naples
Complete program at: http: //