The juice of Bacchus becomes a book. In Italian barrels the best wine


The best wines of the boot captured in one precious volume. Does this sound impossible? It was not so for Federico Graziani and Marco Pozzali who have taken an original path in search of the best wine labels of the beautiful country and have collected in their latest book, “Great Wines of Italy”, which will be presented this afternoon at Naples, in the multi-purpose areas of the structure gastronomic Grangusto.


The event will also be an opportunity to share with the authors emotions and discoveries gained in the fascinating journey to discover the flavors and knowledge of Italy.
From the Aosta Valley to Pantelleria , through the Friuli to Sardinia and finally to the vines of Campania , Liguria and Puglia are a total of one hundred selected wines and become part of the elite of excellent wines ” made ​​in Italy” . Nectars reviewed in great detail by the authors in what appears to have all the characteristics of a genuine diary among the delicacies of the table badged Italy .
Now, for those wishing to experience firsthand the valuable juice of Bacchus , at the end of the presentation of the book , in collaboration with the Italian Sommelier Association Delegation of Naples , there will be the chance to taste some of the wines reviewed in the book. All accompanied by tastings of finger food prepared by the chefs of Grangusto.

Finally, to those who want to stay for dinner , you will be offered a gastronomic journey that involves the use of the best tomatoes from Campania: from Corbarino to Datterino red Cilento , up to San Marzano DOP. Each dish will feature the red gold of Terra Felix , the ambassador of the inimitable taste made in Campania.

“Great Wines of Italy”
Naples , February 6 th , 2014 18.00 p.m. , Grangusto Via Nuova Marina 5, Naples
Tasting free admission, dinner at the price of EUR 30 per person (wine included )