Naples, literary kermesse to commemorate the writer Marcello D’Orta

Lo scrittore napoletano Marcello D'Orta

It will be called “literary prize Sgarrupato” and will be dedicated to the late Neapolitan writer Marcello D’Orta recognition that will be given by the students participating in the first edition of SeLF – Secondigliano book festival, the festival , which began last October in Naples, will end May 23.

The award, an artistic porcelain sculpture created by master Vincenzo Casaburi, of the Association Arte Presepiale, will be presented on January 15 at 11 am, during a ceremony commemorating the author of “Io speriamo che me la cavo” which will be held in the hall of the civic Center “Sandro Pertini” in Piazza Luigi di Nocera (Naples), with the participation of all students who took part in the project.


The “Secondigliano book festival” is divided into three phases: reading and commentary of three books offered by the organizers ( “Heart of Naples” by Marcello d’Orta , “Dreams are wishes of children Scampia” by Paolo Chiariello and “Welcome to Esposito home” by Pino Imperatore), three group meetings with authors, a final evening with the announcement of the vote and favorite book by the students of the six schools (five in the second degree and first degree) of the district.

“We called it ‘Sgarrupato’ – emphasize the promoters of the event – because this adjective is a recurring theme in the author of ‘Io speriamo che me la cavo’.  And with it we recall a writer who had the heart to Naples, the Neapolitan and the Neapolitan language, and that in 23 years he has published over 21 books. “The Secondigliano book festival is held under the patronage of the Municipality of Naples and VII Municipality, in cooperation with LS Communications and Nativity Art Association and with the support of the international airport of Naples and Att. Raffaele Niola.$