Mostra d’Oltremare at open doors


The Mostra d’Oltremare of Naples is preparing to throw open its doors to the public. As of 10 May, citizens, tourists and visitors can now enjoy the immense green spaces of the exhibition center of the south by paying a symbolic fee of one euro for access to the park as a “contribution” to support operating costs.

There are a total of six thematic areas of intervention of the project “The island of the passions” promoted by the President of the Festival, Andrea Rea which includes sports, wellness, music, entertainment, art and culture.
Access will be granted on weekdays from 9 to 19, while the weekend the gates of the facility will stay open until late evening. Everything, as we said, the cost of a euro.

Recall that the structure that is located in the district Fuorigrotta, a few steps from the thermal baths of Agnano, was designed and built in 1937 at an event aimed at celebrating the political and economic expansion in Italy during the fascist regime and extends to a area of ​​720,000 square meters.


Inside insist different structures of great architectural and historical interest. And isthe case of the spectacular Fontana dell’Esedra, inspired by the model of the fountain of the Royal Palace of Caserta, which is undoubtedly an example of large-scale scenic and urban planning.
And for those who have never witnessed the magic of his gushing spray, remember that as early as this summer is expected to show recovery of water and lights suggestive source , along with concerts and the most famous opera arias to be held in suggestive setting of the area Flegrea.

But it did not end there , because in 2015, President Rea suggests the creation of an integrated ticket which admits and entertainment both in the spaces of the exhibition, the Zoo is that, with the Edenlandia, falls within the owned entity.

Finally, perhaps not everyone knows that the Mostra d’Oltremare within its walls, houses a small archaeological heritage of ancient origins. It is the archaeological park which includes an ancient aqueduct , public baths and a votive temple from Roman times. So the offer is really wide and there is plenty of choice.