“Dear friend I’m writing to you”..when the postcard arrives in the museum


Once upon a time the dear old postcard . Emotions of travel, but also thoughts and reflections captured on a card that gave colored , recipient , panoramas and views of distant places only imaginable fantasy.
Today this custom has been considerably thinned out , replaced by the rapidity of new technologies with very speed communication. Simply click on most modern smart phones and instantly you  admire the view , on the phone of the person chosen .

But all is not lost forever . Especially at the feets of Mount Vesuvius. Especially in Naples ,one of the few Italian cities in which the existence of the “postcards ” seems to resist. Especially those carried out by so-called ” visual artists ” , masters of design that transform a normal cardstock paper in a single work . Collectibles. A rare piece , in fact. Safeguarded with extreme care. And a certain amount of jealousy. Or to put in the frame, just like you do with a painting of the author.
Well, just because true to this motto the curators of the Museum Minimo  of Naples have seen fit to create a true collection of a large number of postcards and stamps of the author. Of those , in practice, depicting scenes of everyday life established by brushes and pens of artists.


In the big book of art from … to visit they have found a place for messages and dedications of various types of travelers ready to relive now through the eyes of a curious public and attentive towards this unusual space documentary.
Italy, Germany, United States, Belgium, France and Finland are the main countries from which the original contributions of graphomaniacs cosmopolitans: a genuine open window on the world of yesterday, through which you can now Know yourself and appreciate places, history and traditions otherwise remote places forever.

“Collection of artistic stamps and postcards”
From 14 January to 14 February 2014 ( Hours 15:00 to 18:00 p.m.)
Museum Minimo  , Via Detta San Vincenzo 3  , Fuorigrotta
On Thursdays and Fridays, the show is also by appointment , Tel : 081.621170