One hundred thousand pizzas baked on the Naples waterfront


Over 100,000 pizzas baked on the Naples waterfront in six days. The third edition of Napoli Pizza Village, the festival of pizza made in Naples , is one of the records. Compared to the 2012 edition were produced well over 25,000 pizzas . In increase , of course, visitors to the village of the circle of dough with pomorodo , mozzarella and basil: 380,000 well . In the six days of the event on the Naples waterfront were consumed 330,000 liters of beverages (beer Peroni and Coca Cola with 40% of all ) .

The 2013 Naples Pizza Village also boasts the record of the virtuous recycling . The separate collection made during the event, including the waste materials produced , reached the record percentage of 70% of consumed . Of the 300 tons of waste product collected during the six days, 210 tonnes were broken up into 147 tons of plastic ( plates, cutlery and wrappings ) and 63 tons of paper (glasses , placemats , napkins and tissues ) .

After the World Championship of pizza , last weekend have been awarded the pizzerias . The prize offered by Asia was assigned to Pizzeria Vesi who has created a four seasons pizza inspired by the four colors of the collection . While the Novecento pizzeria has won the first prize of the sponsor Acqua Lete for best represented the theme ” water and pizza ” with a creation in 3D which reproduced an imaginary football field (including the Napoli players ) on the Bay of Naples with boats of America ‘s Cup.[charme-gallery]

But the Napoli Pizza Village in 2013 was also an expression of solidarity : one of the 45 furnaces used will be donated by the Neapolitans Pizzaiuoli to a mission in Madagascar. In addition , an area of the event was dedicated to peace inspired by the request of the Pope to the vigil on Saturday evening.

The third edition of the Napoli Pizza Village will then go down in history not only for the record numbers recorded, but also to the demands of hospitality of the format . First , in order of time , will be host to Tokyo at the end of October, the Neapolitan pizza, then Napoli Pizza Village in November , as part of the mission of the Industrial Union of Naples , will fly in China, in the cities of Shanghai and Beijing then passed later this month in Taiwan. In 2014 will be the turn of Russia, in Sochi for the Winter Olympics in February, while Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will be the stage of pizza, from June to July ,for the World Cup 2014. “This tour will allow us to promote not only the product pizza, with attached elements that make up our local food , but also the image of Naples and the entire Campania region – supports President Sergio Miccù – . We worked hard in this direction and we are excited to have the next two years of work planned in the promotion of the world’s most famous dish of Neapolitan cuisine and culinary culture”