By Massimo Masiello to Cristina Donadio through Myriam Lattanzio, Roberto Azzurro, the Society of Young New Theatre Health and Bruno Cuomo. Are just some of the 15 artists, including singers, actors and dancers made in Naples, that Friday, February 28, starting at 18:30, will take the stage set up in the open air in broad Berlinguer, two steps from the metro Toledo, for the initiative “Napoli si-cura”, theater, music and entertainment for a safe city for all, presented by Arcigay Naples and Città Amica. The idea of the event, which lasts about two hours, arises from the assumption that the inclusion and integration in metropolitan complex – as the Neapolitan – must coincide with an ability to live more active and participatory spaces urban. In this key, even art and all forms of entertainment can be an alternative to abandonment, a deterrent to crime, a push to regain the right to security. In this context, the show – modern and recognizable rite of aggregation – can become the must fly a constructive and mutual understanding, a common feeling, a shared right to participate and feel safe. There, where there is a lit stage, where there is no music, there where there’s live interpretation, there are lights that illuminate the night of the city, making the city more beautiful, more livable and safer for everyone.