Naples, the night of Art returns: the ancient Center opens the doors of its jewels

Sabato 16 dicembre a partire dalle 18 e fino a notte fonda, si potranno visitare chiese, basiliche, musei e palazzi storici in orari d'eccezione e con biglietti di ingresso ridotti

Napoli: torna la notte d'Arte per scoprire il Centro antico

The ancient center of Naples opens the doors of its artistic and architectural jewels on the occasion of the Night of Art. The event, scheduled for Saturday, December 16th from 6pm until late at night, is promoted by the II Municipality in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Naples. For an entire night, Neapolitans and tourists will be able to visit churches, basilicas, museums and historic buildings in exceptional times and with reduced admission tickets. The theme will be “Tales, tales and legends” theme that will accompany the city of Naples throughout the holiday season.