The discovery of the buildings that house the banks


On the initiative of ABI, the association which gathers all the banks in Italy, as many as 84 historic buildings offices of financial institutions, throw open their doors to the public in the day Saturday, October 4. From 10 am until 19 pm. Part of the historical heritage of the beautiful country back then usable, even if only for a day. The event will of course also touches Naples. It could not be otherwise. In the city of Partenope are two buildings you can see in all the beauty. Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano former headquarters of the Commercial Bank now Intesa San Paolo, and the Palace of the former Banco di Napoli (also now Intesa San Paolo), via Toledo, the shopping street par excellence “Made in Naples”.

The exhibition at Palazzo Zevallos provides for the possibility of being able to see the entire collection of paintings inside the historic building. Among these is the famous Martyrdom of Saint Ursula of the great master Michelangelo da Caravaggio. Along with the “Martyrdom” will be a total of 120 works of Neapolitan and southern style or subject that will be on display in the exhibition at Palazzo Zevallos. Works by different authors (Artemisia Gentileschi, Luca Giordano, Francesco Solimena, Anton Smick Pitloo, Vincenzo Gemito and others). A collection of paintings covering a time span ranging from the early seventeenth century to the early twentieth century. For lovers of the interior, do not miss the premises of the former noble apartment, housed on the upper floors of the building, the hall of the cupids, the hall of the stucco (where is kept the painting of Caravaggio), the Pompeian room (dedicated to media spaces) and the Hall of birds (which displays the remaining tele) ready to abduct the eyes of visitors.[charme-gallery]

Even the site of the former Banco di Napoli, always located in the Toledo, will be part of ABI. The building in question was built between 1936 and 1939 by Marcello Piacentini, at the behest of the then director of the Joseph Frignani which, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the company’s credit he decided to create a new home by demolishing the northern part Palazzo San Giacomo up residence at the time of the institution. The building, halfway between the classical Roman and Renaissance revisited in a modern key, it has got a large living room closed by an impressive triple height skylight that illuminates as never before the entire environment.

On the second floor stands, however, the Assembly Hall is entirely covered with precious marbles from Ethiopia: certainly the highlight of the headquarters. One more reason not to miss this unusual “grand tour” … banking. This in Naples. But if you want information on buildings also visited other cities, visit the official website of the Italian Banking,