EnergyMed here: Naples at the center of the smart city projects


“The work of these years has allowed us to put projects in the field to intercept funds on smart cities”. So the deputy mayor of Naples Tommaso Sodano today opened the eighth edition of EnergyMed, the exhibition and conference that will continue until April 11 in the spaces of the Mostra d’Oltremare of Naples by focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency and solutions for smart cities. The event, organized by Anea (Naples Agency for Energy), gathers hundreds of exhibitors and compares innovative start-ups with institutions and large companies to design the future together. A frontier on which the City of Naples, said Sodano, “thanks to the Association Napoli Smart City is ready to the new opportunities that will open up the European funds. But above all, we have our project autonomy for not simply point to funding but to create projects employment and development. ”
At the opening day, opened by the conference “The opportunities of the new programming of European funds 2014-2020” was also attended by the Vice President of the Campania Region Guido Trombetti who stressed that “one of the smart cities” is now “a process started and to follow carefully “, recalling that” the issue of renewable energy remains central in many sectors, such as transport “and stressing that” research on renewable energy is vibrant and lively”.

During the proceedings today, organized by Renael (National Network of Local Energy Agencies), Sodano, as demonstrated Napoli can become a smart city through urban regeneration has already started: “With 100 million of Pon Metro that we enjoy we can address some mobility problems – he said – road soon will buy about 40 new buses with low environmental impact, while the metro rail will be another chapter to work and not least at the end of May, the City will support the projects of car and bike sharing that in May finish the experimental stage. With Pon Energy, about 20 million euro, we have already solved some problems of national energy efficiency. With the change of the LED lights, Installed by 4 km of the ring road in the tunnel section between Soccavo and Plain, we increased from an annual cost of current 1.4 million to a saving of 950 000 euro per year. Now we have to hold the tender for project financing the replacement of all the LED street lights, so in just 3 years will bring the annual expenditure from 12 million to just 6 with a saving of 50% of spending”.
At the salon, where are presented with 200 companies exhibiting the latest in green economy, it was found in the opening day of great participation of public and private sector operators. Among the curiosities on display, for sustainable mobility, electric bicycles with pedal assistance, personal transporter, one and two wheels, and hybrid vehicles were the most popular, while in the segment promotes recycling incentives to citizens, with reduction costs or bonus, for recycling. The energy efficiency of public and private buildings, with different solutions of savings, are the point of reference for architects and engineers that focus on sustainability.