The “People of Tammurriata” … meet in Salerno

o lione

For the French writer, Victor Hugo: “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent”. A thought, this, that seems tailor-made for “People of Tammurriata”, the event dedicated to popular music, created and produced by Daltrocanto, which, from 6 to 8 February will take shape in the church of St. Apollonia, via San Benedetto, in Salerno.

Three evenings of the festival: the first two, destined to insights and musical performances by small sets, the third, dedicated to the actual festival, which will feature singers, musicians and Ballatori traditional tammorriata of the province of Salerno along with that “People of tammorriata” essence and real recipient of the event.

Many guests expected, that will cross musically Italy from Lazio to Sicily. Friday 6 will be the purest tradition of singing on bagpipes of Biagino De Prisco to kick off the festival, then move on, among others, the guitar swing by Maurizio Cuzzocrea, to the rhythms of Salento Carlo “Canaglia” De Pascali and the project “Red drum – the skin of the drum is the only one who can beat” of Valentina Ferraiuolo. Saturday 7, will star the accordion: to submit different aspects will be the Orchestra Bottoni, Alessandro D’Alessandro and Eustachio Frongillo. Sunday 8, a stage for those who want to join the inevitable Antonio Matrone said “O’Lione”, now permanent presence of the event, which, with other players tammorriata, give life to the final party at the same time launching the next edition.