“Quanno nascette Ninno” in the church of Sant’Agostino


The birth of the Christ Child, the visit to the manger, the gifts of the pilgrims, the flight into Egypt, the lullaby of Mary… Sunday, December 21, from 18:30, the church of Sant’Agostino degli Scalzi, a Materdei (Naples), will the setting for “Quanno nascette Ninno”, an unusual concert, by the association Via Nova, signed by the group Damadakà. A time for singing and stories for Christmas, in the wake of the local tradition and Southern Italy.

“Christmas – tell the Damadakà – is always a period intended to remember and celebrate… And it is in the sign of this paper, we propose a journey in music, which will touch on the highlights of this journey of popular devotion”.

Nestled ad hoc, in the full program of the event “You come down from Scale”, the appointment will feature: Michele Arpa (voice and castanets) , Daniel Barone (vocals, guitar and classical marranzano) , Dario Barone (voice, frame drum, marranzano, lira, shawm and bagpipes) , Giovanni Saviello (vocals, accordion, accordion and bagpipe), Margaret Ianuario (vocals, drums, shawm and harmonic flute) and Mario Musetta (vocals, guitar swing and classical). There is a membership fee entrance.

Info and reservations: 339 8766733