Roberto Bolle and Friends dancing in the Teatro Grande of Pompeii


Roberto Bolle and Friends will dance (July 25) for the first time at the Teatro Grande of Pompeii in the play “Journey into beauty“. “Dancing in Pompeii is a dream come true – said the etoile – Pompeii is a symbol of the immense value of our artistic and cultural heritage, its fragility, but also his incredible strength and ability to be reborn after every offense.” “Since i am considered an ambassador of Italian art in the world, I feel strong responsibility and duty to commit myself because – said the dancer – there will never forget who we are, of that extraordinary identity that we have a gift, the enormous resource we have and that could turn into wealth if only we learn to prendercene really care. The art, culture, nature, which so strongly marked our country, are the secret to its rebirth just like in Pompeii. ” This special evening Bubbles has gathered around him artists from some of the most important ballet companies in the world: the Royal Ballet in London at the Hamburg Ballet, from Dresden to San Francisco Ballet and the Dutch National Ballet, the Compagnia della Scala. The program is a journey from the classic Don Quixote and Excelsior jewels of the choreography of the twentieth century created by Ashton, Balanchine, Neumeier until you get a star of contemporary choreography which Dowson, Wheeldon, McGregor. “The presence Roberto Bolle is the seal of quality shows at the Grand Theatre of Pompeii. It ‘really the art that promotes art, beauty and culture – said the superintendent of Pompeii, Massimo Osanna – Having him in Pompeii over that honor, seals the image of this world heritage site as the world’s stage and laboratory culture, which is coming to be”.