Scafati becomes beautiful to celebrate Santa Maria delle Vergini


The curtain falls on the traditional feast of Santa Maria delle Vergini, protector of Scafati (Salerno). From Friday 25 to Tuesday 29 July, all the populous districts of the Municipality of Agro wore their best clothes, filling up of flowers and colors to accommodate the secular effigy of the Madonna solemnly carried in procession through the streets and squares of the town.
Fireworks and stalls made ​​by corollary to an event that, year after year, continues to attract people even from towns in the neighborhood.

Thanks to the efforts made by the Festival Committee, the efforts of volunteers from the parish of St. Mary the Virgin (led by Don Giovanni De Riggi) and the contribution of the municipality, the year 2014 will not disappoint the expectations, reconfirming, this year as one of the most popular events of the summer bell. Thousands, in fact, people who are crowded in the central Piazza Vittorio Veneto, for the show of “I Ditelo Voi” and the concert by Umberto Tozzi.

And just as there have been numerous faithful who took part in the traditional “Novena” in preparation for the festival (which began Thursday, July 17) and then taking part in the processions that are placed across from the historic center to the most distant suburbs.

The flagship of the five-day festival – enlivened by the sounds of the musical band “City of Lancaster” pima and “City of Fisciano” and then by the evocative notes of the parish choir directed by the teacher Pompilia Balzano – the twenty-first edition of the “Festival of the Mulignana “and the sale of soft drinks and sandwiches grilled organized by the young people of the parish community.
