Tutto Sposi 2014: with the Facebook App, smartphones and tablets become ticket


An App on Facebook, to involve 10 million users has been conceived and designed by the marketing of Tutto Sposi imput on the new president Martina Ferrara. The action will make the campaign viral distribution of the invitation to couples for free access to the event Tutto Sposi – the show dedicated all’Arredosposa & wedding – scheduled for October 18 to 26 at Mostra d’Oltremare of Naples.

The campaign, which will end on October 15 next until exhaustion of the 30,000 free invitations available, transform the tablet and smartphone in the new ticket in the 2.0 era. The viral system, which will involve about 10 million users thanks to the media contacts of friends on the bulletin board (about 300 each) of the thirty lucky, is unprecedented for such initiatives.

The action of the viral campaign launched in favor of the pairs is easier than you think. Just log on to the website of the event (www.tuttosposi.it) and click on the initiative thus entering in the application of Facebook where you can register and enter one of the official partners of the salon where to pick up your free invitation. The certainty of receiving free access will come directly to your phone with a code that will allow the couple to enter Tutto Sposi.

Another benefit reserved for couples who receive an invitation will be to jump the queue at the entrance to the box office of the event. The activation code and the presentation of an identity document will in fact not go through the speakers, but go directly inside the office reception. Access is valid for all days of the show – October 18 to 26 – to visit the largest and most qualified showcase of wedding and furnishing their first home.