Dipper and his bank of the water, ancient craft that happiness pantry

antichi mestieri napoletani acquaiolo

According to the Garzanti the water-carrier is one who “sells or drinking water port” or “who is involved in the governance of irrigation water”. In Naples, the definition of this ancient job change instead in “the one who dispenses a bit ‘of happiness”. And you, happiness, serenity, relaxation define it as you please, but so be it. The water-carrier, manager of italy kiosk, which in Neapolitan become ” in banc and water “, is the master who refreshes the soul when it is hot with a nice lemonade or a big orange, or is what warms you with a warm Neapolitan coffee. It is also sometimes dispenser of what dialect it defines the “sciacquapanza”, ie elixir foaming of soda, and lemon juice that promotes digestion in the event of an over eaten. The digestive elixir is also called “araput and cosc”, but not immediately think of evil.

And ‘so it called because of the posture they assume in drinking it. And often it is the same water-carrier to indicate it to drink without “damage”. Because you have to drink it all in one go as fast as possible from the time of its preparation, it is better to immediately spread their legs, divaricandole, as well as automatically then you also will widen the arms, so that the foam caused by the soda causing a flood of all the clothes. Many kiosks still in town who dispense “happiness”. Porta Nolana as Via Foria. Or from Piazza Trieste e Trento, Via Chiaia and the Riviera di Chiaia. Them, the story of one of the city’s oldest trades. Them, a relaxing place for Neapolitans and tourists.

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