Kimbo and Kosè: quality is served


Coffee had become a popular drink throughout the city of Naplesby the end of the 18th century after a Neapolitan had documented its use inTurkey a century earlier. However, while its virtues and sinfulness were being debated elsewhere, Neapolitans were already sipping the strong, aromatic drink as they awaited the next deliveries fromArabia, and Charles Maurice De Talleyrand, Prince of Benevento, defined how the drink could best be savoured: “black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel and sweet as love”. Neapolitans were hooked, and in the 1960s the ulbrothers Elio, Francesco and Gerardo Rubino opened up a small coffee-roasting business which is now an internationally renowned company: Cafè do Brasil.[charme-gallery] They immediately adopted the then innovative tin can packaging system which allowed their two brands, Kimbo and Kosè, to soar at home and abroad and become one ofEurope’s leading Coffee manufacturers. Fifty years’ experience of roasting and distributing coffee for the Neapolitan market is one of Cafè do Brasil’s great strengths, as is their careful selection of green beans in the countries of origin, their monitoring of the entire production process to ensure a constantly high standard and the packaging of the end product in sealed tins or packets. Product quality is paramount and ensures that the unmistakeable Cafè do Brasil aroma can be savoured in every cup. Although a large company, it is run like a family business where everyone gives their all in order to surprise customers with its range of products and its customer service and, thanks to their sponsorship of special events, the Rubino family have helped to promote ‘espresso culture’ in Italy and abroad.