Milk pearls that seduce every palate

Bocconcini di mozzarella Ponte a Mare

“Experience, commitment, passion, and quality” are the core values of “Ponte a Mare”, the dairy from Castelvolturno specialized for decades in the processing of mozzarella, treccia, and bocconcini, a benchmark of Campania excellence produce. The pearly white, tasty products of “Ponte a Mare” delight the most delicate palates: with the white gold masterpieces forged by Castelvolturno masters satisfaction is guaranteed.[charme-gallery]

The name of “Ponte a Mare” has gone far beyond Italy’s borders, as the tokens of esteem from Thailand, United States, Japan, and United Arab Emirates witness. The walls of the shop are covered with postcards of appreciation arrived from all over the world. Among faithful costumers of the milk pearls produced by Antonello and Gianfranco Paolo, stand Napoli Football stars Higuain and Hamsik.

Caseificio Ponte a Mare
Via Domitiana, Km 34,70 – Castel Volturno (CE)
Tel. +39.0823.851525