The Queen of the mozzarella, made with the best milk

Mozzarella of the Paolo Brothers, unique. Tourists from all around the world taste it and love it. The football players of the Napoli team also enjoy this mozzarella, which has received many awards by the Gambero Rosso

Mozzarelle campane - Ponte a Mare
Mozzarelle campane - Ponte a Mare

The Ponte a Mare Dairy, in Castelvolturno, is just two steps away from the Napoli Soccer team training camp. The fame of its dairy products have gone beyond the borders of Europe, for the unique quality of its products and, above all, for its mozzarella, which has received many awards by the Gambero Rosso. Crowds of tasters, tourists and visitors come from all over the world to taste it, as even the Napoli football players often do the same.

Mozzarelle campane - Ponte a Mare
Mozzarelle campane – Ponte a Mare

The mozzarella Ponte a Mare is made only with Buffalo milk from the valleys of Borgo Appio and Cancello and Arnone. These pastures were chosen by the patron Vincenzo Paolo for the high quality, the flavor and the great nutritional qualities of the milk produced there. Gianfranco and Antonio, the heirs of Vincenzo, have introduced innovative manufacturing and production techniques, with safe modern instruments, but they will never forget the advice of their father Vincenzo:  good milk makes good mozzarella. One can immediately recognize the mozzarella Ponte a Mare for its smooth, shiny skin, and for its great and unique flavor.

Caseificio Ponte a Mare
Via Domitiana km 34.070, Castelvolturno (Caserta)
Tel. +39.0823.85.15.25