Pizza but not just, Cocco is the forge of good taste

Nel restaurant di Corso Nazionale a Scafati, si mangia come alla tavola di Lucullo. E il portafogli non ne risente

Pizzeria Cocco a Scafati, qui il gusto è di casa

Pizza, fortunately pizza. But not only. Because Cocco’s flavor is guaranteed. More: it’s like in safe. Flavors for all tastes and pockets, of course. “Beautiful”, a “surprise”, “excellent”, “very good” are just some of the adjectives used by the lucky ones who have had the pleasure of tasting the gourmets served in the “temple of good taste” located near the historic center of Scafati (Sa) and within easy reach of Pompeii. There, in the welcoming and modern Corso Nazionale, where the “Pizzeria Cocco” has opened its doors for a few years, rapidly gaining the admiration and unconditional esteem of hundreds and hundreds of customers from all over Italy. Yes, you have read it well: from Tuscany to Emilia, from Sicily to Lombardy, there are more and more numerous people who have chosen this small restaurant in the undisputed realm of the “good table”.

Pizzeria Cocco – Sapori Italiani
Corso Nazionale 88, 84018 Scafati (Salerno) tel +39.081.850.8683