Mozzarella to be eaten without the use of cutlery

Tasting it with ones eyes closed triggers an explosion of flavors. The white pearl of the Castel Volturno company is appreciated all over the world

Mozzarelle campane - Ponte a Mare
Mozzarelle campane - Ponte a Mare

Tasting it with ones eyes closed triggers an explosion of flavors. The white pearl of the Castel Volturno company is appreciated all over the world.

Ecstasy is reached by tasting the mozzarella with ones eyes closed. Even if it may not appear  elegant, unknown sensations will be immediately felt. Difficult to find someone who will advise you to eat it with your hands. Someone might whisper it, knowing that pleasure does not have strict rules. However, strict rules are necessary to produce a first quality queen of the table.

Just one bite, the first. Maybe while holding it between your two fingers. The Campania buffalo mozzarella milk drips at each bite. Wonder ignites the palate, the senses go crazy, the mind is inebriated . Ones eyes tend to close. If it does not produce one of these effects, then it is not a mozzarella signed by Ponte a Mare, The queen of the dairies, The pride of Castel Volturno and of the shoreline of “Terra di Lavoro”. Another bite to taste and understand further, that there is no improvisation in those who produce this masterpiece, but a careful processing and tradition made perfect over the years, which makes it safe and rich in nutritional principles. Factors that do not harm the taste, but enhances it.

Caseificio Ponte a Mare

A few hundred meters from the training fields  of the footballers, Insigne,  Callejon, Mertens, Milic, Koulibaly and Allan, stands the dairy company of the Paolo family. The brothers Gianfranco and Antonio never skip a single procedure passed on to them by their father,  Vincenzo. From the choice of forage, strictly Italian, used to feed the buffaloes, to the milk, which is delivered to the dairy within twelve hours from milking. There, it is filtered of its impurity, leaving unaltered all its nutritional qualities.  The quality control is very severe in these cases.

Caseificio Ponte a Mare
Caseificio Ponte a Mare

And there you have it the Mozzarella, quite rightly with a capital M. Its exquisite home, the Ponte a Mare dairy, is known in every corner of the globe by those who have learned to appreciate the real mozzarella cheese. Mozzarella braids, mozzarella morsels, ricotta cheese and smoked provola cheese are also available. Products of the same tradition. Beautiful to look at and exquisite to taste. One has only to learn how  to taste them, with a  touch of transgression and with their eyes closed.

Caseificio Ponte a Mare
via Domiziana km 34.070
Castelvolturno (Caserta)
Tel. +39.0823.851.525