The Temple of Mozzarella cheese

mozzarella provola treccia campane caseificio ponte a mare

“Good milk makes good mozzarella”. This is the teaching of Vincenzo Paolo , the renowned founder of the famous Ponte a Mare cheese factory. Its products are strictly made from the milk produced in the  surrounding valleys of  Borgo Appio, Cancello and Arnone.[charme-gallery]Gianfranco and Antonio, Vincenzo’s heirs, have turned the production of traditionally hand-made products into a sophisticated, modern and hyper-controlled production. The Ponte a Mare mozzarella cheese can be instantly recognized. It is smooth, shiny and white as porcelain. Its skin is thin and its flavor is unmistakable. Thousands of foreign tourists, as far as Japan, visit Castelvolturno to enjoy the “queen of mozzarella”.[charme-gallery]All the dairy products of the cheese factory can be ordered online through the company website and delivered internationally. The Ponte a Mare mozzarella cheese received the  Gambero Rosso Award, both for its taste and for its healthy nutritional values.

Caseificio Ponte a Mare
Via Domitiana km 34.070
Castelvolturno (Caserta)
tel. +39.0823.851.525