Spaghetti arugula, lemon and Provolone del Monaco .. and what flavor !!

spaghetti_con_la_rucola limone provolone

The recipes of the typical local cuisine

And when you have little time to cook but a craving for pasta, try this recipe. Sure you could, for example, does not have the Provolone del Monaco, but does nothing. Any other provolone, like those from Sorrento, are fine. Twenty minutes, half an hour at most to prepare this recipe, including the boiling pasta water. Quick and easy recipe for a taste the whole of Campania.

Ingredients for 4 people: 400 g spaghetti (Gragnano possibly), 200 gr provolone of monaco (or scamorzina Sorrento), 100 g rocket, 1 lemon of Amalfi (if Amalfi is DOC), 1 small shallot, olive oil, salt

Making of recipe

Wash and dry the arugula for good. Press the retaining lemon juice. If you want you can also grated before the peel, yellow part only, however, that mixed sauce during cooking. In a large pan, to be able to pour the dough, put enough olive oil with a little chopped shallot. As soon as it is golden, add the lemon juice, and peel if you have grated.

A couple of armed even after you add the rocket that must take flavour only briefly and then shut off. Vegetables practically must not become completely soft. Drained the pasta, paid in the pan with the sauce adding the grated provolone you have taken steps to end or curls. Stir over heat for a minute maximum and Serve. Great aroma and great taste !! Enjoy your meal.