The traditional recipes
With imagination driven by financial scarcities will get you everywhere, up to create mirrored dishes in flavor and equally good and satisfying the most demanding palates. In this fake Genovese, onions are practically and essentially boiled, thus making this must of the professional kitchen lighter and more digestible than its original.
Serves 4: gr. 400 ziti broken or paccheri, 400 gr onions (copper Montoro if possible), gr 80 gr ham mountain (in two pieces maximum), two small carrots, three coffee cups white wine (greek tuff if possible) , 40 grams of grated Parmesan cheese mixed with pecorino, extra virgin olive oil to taste
Making of recipe
The whole procedure will last a maximum of 40-45 minutes. In a large shallow saucepan, boil two cups of water with the onions cut into small slices. Dry water, add at least 6 tablespoons of oil to brown them together with the finely chopped carrots for about 15 minutes. Now add also the ham cut into cubes or strips and cook for another 3 or 4 minutes.
After this, pour a cup of wine at a time to continue to brown. Whenever dry wine, pour another cup until the last dries. Meanwhile do not forget to stir with a wooden spoon. Boiled pasta, stir in the pan with the sauce over low heat, adding a little ‘of water from the pasta, and before Serve topped with Parmesan and pecorino. Smoking will have a smell and taste truly exceptional.