Squid with chopped squid and cicarelle

(Italiano) Calamarata con polpa di cicarelle e calamaretti cucinata poi con prodotti a metri zero, eleva il suo sapore a portata di gourmet.

paccheri cicale e calamaretti

And Procida continues to offer recipes typical very special. Then cooked with products to zero meters, it elevates the flavor at your gourmet. We always thank our friend Gian Luca, burn in isle, who shares with us, the good things prepared for himself and his family. We publish then cum, the recipe he received.

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg of mantis shrimp (cicarelle), ½ kg of squid, 400 g paccheri (or squid) of Gragnano, 1 clove of garlic, 400 grams of tomatoes datterini, chopped parsley, ½ cup white wine, extra virgin olive oil, salt, red pepper

Making of recipe.

When my mother-in-law invited me to lunch on Sunday, one of the things I like to do, is to prepare something simple and genuine using the simple flavors of our sea and our land. Not to be overlooked is the “detail” after that I do not shuffle into the kitchen and then I can safely enjoy the Sunday afternoon. For this dish of sea, serving fresh ingredients and lots of patience. So, in order, first and foremost you have to ask the father to go and buy the “cicarelle” and the squid fishing boat of confidence in the proper timing of which are usually the most annoying. Dawn.

Once time had ingredients of the sea with the complicity and collaboration parental, you must provide the datterini and fresh parsley. I have taken them from my small garden. And do not forget a good slightly fizzy white wine that, in addition to cooking, can then be appreciated even at the table during dinner. To me, his uncle gave it.

Then after procurement, we move to the preparation stage. Start by cleaning the cicadas, cutting sideways with scissors so that they are easy to strip the flesh off after a first firing in extra virgin olive oil. Then fry them for about ten minutes, so the initially prepared along with the squid, you have cut into slices and add to the pan off with a clove of garlic and parsley. Pour slowly with a bit of wine. Do not forget to remove the garlic is golden when before deglaze with wine.

After the brief cooking remove the cicadas, and continue to leave in saucepan squid, starting to release their flesh from the shell, being careful, however, to press their heads one by one to collect the precious juice in these contents. Once the magic potion to point out to present the painstaking effort just done so for them, moved, it is clear that after not up to you to clean. As written, the while shelled cicadas, continue cooking the squid adding a first portion of tomatoes. After a few minutes, add the pulp of cicarelle and other tomatoes with parsley.

Finish cooking with all the ingredients continuing to add a bit ‘of wine if you need. After cooking the pasta (squid or paccheri suggest) and drained al dente, whip it completing its cooking in the pan with the sauce and all the pulp. Serve adding a little ‘pepper if you like the strong taste, and a few parsley leaves together with a whole choreography of cicadas.

Bon appetit to all from Gian Luca da Procida”