At the mountain fried, you can’t say no. Here’s the recipe

Montanare fritte

The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.

Flour and water, as the seven notes, create endless variations of taste. Here’s an example. Call it as you want: pizzelle with tomato, Montanare, street food … they are a delight to eat hot and with  fragrant basil. The inventiveness of the Neapolitans, who with the pizza dough create many variations, brings us this small pizza fried, topped with tomato , Parmesan and basil. There are no ingredients ” optional”, to enjoy a Montanara DOC must serve it well.

Ingredients for the dough: 600 g flour 00 12 g of salt, to taste water, 15 g of yeast .

Ingredients for the sauce: 500 g peeled tomatoes , basil, 1 pinch salt, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Basil, grated parmesan cheese. Peanut oil for frying .

Making of recipe.

For the dough. Dissolve the yeast in a little water. Place the flour on a pastry board and add the salt and the yeast dissolved in water. Add the water to the wire as is kneaded until a soft and elastic consistency. Form a loaf and let it stand for 10 minutes; after this time, knead again and roll into balls of dough on a lightly floured we will have and we will make it rise until doubled in volume of the initial (time is variable , it may take 2 or 3 hours).

Meanwhile, prepare a light sauce with the ingredients listed for the sauce: fry the garlic in the oil soon. Remove the garlic and add the tomatoes (which we chopped finely ) and all the other ingredients. Bake about ten minutes on high heat.

When the pasta is ready, roll a little cutting of round shapes; fry them in hot oil. Brown them on both sides and place them on paper towels.

Season each Montanara with a spoonful of sauce, a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and a basil leaf.

Serve piping hot .
