Queen of the table of all days. Neapolitan pasta and lentils

Pasta e lenticchie napoletana

The recipes of traditional Neapolitan cuisine.

And ‘one of the fixed plates that during the week you will surely find on every table in Naples. Lentils are also often used for buon’augurio, for good luck. Think, New Year’s Eve if they consume more than 5 million pounds. There is no particular difference in the preparation if you use dried lentils or canned ones, but customize them as you like by adding an ingredient that you really like. We, for example, add the bacon, you could, however, add strips of speck. As even if you use a type of pasta or another is not important, even if we call tubettini, the key thing is that the pasta to cook with lentils in a way that releases starch that acts as a glue and a dish to become so “very azzeccoso “.

Ingredients for 4 people: 320 g lentils; 320 g tubettini medium or broken spaghetti; 100 gr bacon; a clove of garlic; extra virgin olive oil; 4 cherry tomatoes; prezzomolo; salt to taste

Making of recipe.

Put in cooking the lentils in salted water. When it starts to boil, lower the flame until cooked. In another pan, fry the garlic in the oil and then add the chopped tomatoes along with the bacon, and cook for a few minutes removing the garlic to imbionditura. Add the lentils, and bring to a boil. At this point let down the pasta in the same pot. If you use the average as tubettini indicated the lentil is “hide” in the dough.

Turn frequently with the “Cucchiarelli” wood so as not to attack the paste on the bottom. If necessary add more water heated at the same time in a separate saucepan, but be careful not to turn it into a compound soupy. Shortly before the end of cooking, add a little ‘chopped parsley. Give a twist on the scent of the dish. When it is cooked and azzeccosa, doing Serve the dish to rest for a few minutes.