Sweet casatiello with criscito. Here’s how it’s done in Procida

(Italiano) E nel periodo pasquale è certamente uno dei dolci must della tradizione. E nell’isola di Arturo ha una preparazione che lo rende unicoAnd during Easter it is certainly one of the sweet must-haves of tradition. And in the island of Arturo has a preparation that makes it unique

casatiello dolce
casatiello dolce

And during Easter it is certainly one of the sweet must-haves of tradition. And in the island of Arturo has a preparation that makes it unique.

Casatiello dolce and Procida do it with criscito. And not only is this the characteristic of the Easter album whose salted and Neapolitan cousin is perhaps better known. You will read, in fact, in the historic (a recipe seasoned by history or that led to its preparation) that has sent our friend Gian Luca.Lui signs with #cuocodelladomenica, because apparently on the island is quite quoted as a cook of home. And perhaps because, thanks also to its history, it brings to mind many stories and traditions of one of the three pearls of the Gulf of Naples. We publish quind tel that Casatiello dolce with the criscito.

“Easter is approaching and there are traditions and habits in my house that nothing and nobody will ever change. Then it happens that the “battle” of the pastiera if the grandmothers play with wheat, ricotta, orange blossom or millefiori. And still custard or eggs but more than all its secrets related to the preparation. For my part, the strategy is always the same. Each one says that their meals are the best, being careful when they are together and the topic slips on tastes.

Tactics says to depose them by changing the subject in all ways. One of the ways to change the protagonist of the discussion, when he sets off on a bad road, is to divert the conversation on the sweet Casatiello of Zia Netta. Li, nobody can compete. We can say that Easter. In our family, it starts only when he arrives at home. The tribute of Aunt Netta. Unique because made with the criscito and for the ancient use of only sugar. In particular, in my house, he arrives thanks to a donation of my sweet cognatina, which lacks a good slice of the one given to her.Legally, his aunt is his, but it is defined as such throughout the island. So, this time I followed his recipe that was kindly given to me to try to do it according to tradition. The result I obtained, is certainly appreciable. Certainly never up to that produced by the wise and expert hands of Aunt Netta (which I greet with affection), but holds up to any other comparison.

Now, however, the battle reopens because my wife, who first reads my history, says that one of her friends can fight on an equal footing with the historic casatiello in via Rivoli, the famous street in Procida because her aunt’s residence. Be careful though. The recipe I received is the one with the quantities necessary for the preparation of 10 forms of sweet casatiello. This is because the aunt never prepares one, but many, many, many. And he pays homage to a large part of the island, thus becoming the aunt of all.

Preparation and ingredients of the sweet Casatiello.

Preparation of the first Criscite. It takes at least 36 hours and 1,100 kg of flour, ½ of brewer’s yeast, 6 fresh eggs, 125 grams of step or lard, 6 tablespoons of sugar. Start by kneading ¼ flour with baking powder. Leave to rise for 12 hours. Add another flour (always ¼) and mix it again, leaving it to rise for another 12 hours. Add to the dough obtained after the second leavening the 600 gr of remaining flour, eggs and the step and sugar. Allow it to grow for the last 12 hours.

Preparation of the sweet Casatiello for which you need 2 kg of flour, 1 kg of sugar, 16 fresh eggs, a glass of Strega liqueur, ½ kg of staple (or lard), granulated sugar for decoration to taste.

Divide the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff in a bowl. On the other hand, the yolks should be mixed with the sugar in another bowl. Combine the contents of the two terrines together with the criscite obtained with the first processing. Subsequently, at the end of the crisp process, add all the rest of the ingredients. Knead strongly for at least 45 minutes. Spread the mixture into ten round trays with the hole in the center and let rise for at least 24 hours.

The preheated oven is brought to a temperature of 180 degrees. The cooking time is about 30 minutes. For the superior decoration beat other egg whites to taste and distribute them on casatielli and spread over granulated sugar that to make it almost caramelize it will be necessary to bake again for a few minutes. Happy Easter

#cuocodelladomenica   Gian Luca  fromProcida ”

If you liked this recipe of the sweet casatiello of Procida then you may also like the recipe of the lemon chatter at this link: http://www.charmenapoli.it/sapori/ricette/chiacchiere-al-limoncello-di-procida/.
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