Donuts and susamielli !! Where? At St.Antonio Abate


Traditions in the street. And ‘This is the name of the event for more than 5 days it will be dedicated to the traditional sweets and delicacies and Christmas to be held in Saint Anthony from 31 december 2015 until January 5, 2016. The taste is the protagonist of this nice event as a location that will have the Piazza Don Moses Mascolo and between delicacies for the palate first of all you can enjoy zeppola of St.Antonio Abate according to the old traditional recipe, made with yeast, eggs and then … it’s a secret !!

But it will not end here of course! Besides nu canestriell of donuts, we also expect, chips, and nutshell susamiell and sparkling rivers on December 31 at 17.00 to toast all together greeting 2015 and welcoming 2016.

For six days the city of Saint Anthony will be entertaining for over thirty positions of artists who will offer their shows across the country thanks to radio, Tuesday, January 5, 2016, the program will be extended and the narrow streets of the village will be animated to the hours 22:00, waiting for Epiphany
The event is on social