In Herculaneum relives in 3D the Vesuvius eruption


A trip back in time. Through streets and buildings of the ancient city buried by Vesuvius. Silent witnesses of centuries revealed in the moonlight through the magic of 3D.

Thousands of tourists, in the month of August, they walked along the picturesque paths traced by the “Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte” the initiative enhancement of the archaeological Vesuvius made by Campania>Artecard in collaboration with Consorzio Costa del Vesuvio and the Museum MAV of Herculaneum, which will run until November 2, every Saturday night ( with the exception of September 28, earlier date to Friday 27).[charme-gallery]

Four rounds every weekend for a group of spectators, fascinated by 3D projections and theatrical performance in the area of Fornici and accompanied in this unprecedented vision of Herculaneum excavations by archaeologists experts: “Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte” is a show within a show, in which real and virtual merge, with theatrical performances by the Cooperative Le Nuvole and three-dimensional reconstructions by the Museum MAV, immersing the viewer in an evocative and exciting.

The route starts from the entrance of the excavation , with projections and visions of the dramatic eruption of 79 AD in the lecture hall.

At the end of the movie , the audience is guided along the outer path of the excavations of the site for a night vision illuminated , accompanied by the words of an expert archaeologist CoopCulture to perceive the impact of the mudslide that buried the city for centuries guarding the ruins , the town had with the legend that he wanted had been built by Hercules.[charme-gallery]

It then continues with a visit to the Hall of the Boat, usable for the occasion, which contains charred boat came to light during the excavations. Here, too, are provided for the public tour and external projections. Finally, we come to Fornici , where was the beach with its stores that offered the last desperate refuge to those who tried to escape by sea and that is here found a tragic death. Music will accompany the words of a timeless character that will share with the audience his thoughts on the ephemeral human existence, to look back and rethink this . A voice that will tell of everyday life carefree and unexpected cataclysm. An evocation of lives that may be samples, which help to reflect and to reconsider the meaning of life.


Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte” is scheduled every Saturday, from 7 September to 2 November, from 20.30 to 22.00 (except Sept. 28 that will be brought forward to Friday 27 September). Visit time: 1 hour and 15’ minutes. With a ticket to the show “Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte” can be accessed free of charge the next day at the Museum MAV. Special discounts are reserved for holders ofCampania> Artecard .

For information and reservations: