The pleasure of living, the refined beauty of Pompeian paintings, made of literary references, trompe-l’oeil images of lush gardens, colored mosaics, furnishings and precious objects from Insula Occidentalis of Pompeii, but also the devastating image of “live” death of a family seeking shelter from the catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius. An emblematic testimony of the Roman taste of living in magnificent and elegant dwellings told by the exhibition “Treasures under the lapels. Decorations, frescoes and jewels from the Insula Occidentalis” open until May 31 at the Antioquarium of the Ruins of Pompeii. The exhibition was inaugurated by General Manager Massimo Osanna, along with the responsible curators.
Parco Archeologico di Pompei
email: pa-pompei@beniculturali.it
pec: mbac-pa-pompei@mailcert.beniculturali.it
For visitor info: pompei.info@beniculturali.it
Info: +39 081 8575 347 Centralino: +39 081 8575111