Precious masterpieces of timeless charm

Elegant and iper-feminine earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings with unique designs, made with the art of the ancient Parthenopean goldsmith school

Capolavori preziosi. Gioielli Nardelli
Capolavori preziosi. Gioielli Nardelli

Luxury and elegance, uniqueness and care for details.

This is the mix that makes every jewel signed by Nardelli a small artwork to wear. Stylish masterpieces of strong personality, made strictly in gold, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies, selected and realized with passion by skilled craftsmen, heirs of the ancient and renowned Neapolitan goldsmith school.

Capolavori preziosi. Gioielli Nardelli
Capolavori preziosi. Gioielli Nardelli

A perfect blend of tradition and modernity, which has distinguishes for over 40 years the precious creations of the Neapolitan company founded by Domenico Nardelli..

Nardelli Gioielli
Tel. 800.09.02.30
Tel. +39 0823.83.89.17