Signed cloth around the neck


Italian excellence in neckties, stoles and accessories for women. Passion, taste and flair are the key features of a firm, Sanseverino, that has seduced the international jet set with British fabrics and traditional Italian craftsmanship.  Salvatore Sanseverino is one ofItaly’s top 7 designers of neckties. The “Sanseverino ties” are hand-made from British fabrics that Salvatore chooses every season. [charme-gallery]Even ladies can be found in the Sanseverino house their objects of desire: fantastic stoles with fox trim and elegant silk scarves or cashmere (“Sanseverissima line”) embellished with chantilly lace. Particularly original: they go well engraved in the center the striking line from a famous poem Naples.

Sanseverino Napoli
Centro direzionale di Napoli – Is. G2
tel. +39.081.787.94.14