The Lord of the twins lives in Naples


In Naples, the passion for the men charm has a name: Cristiano Barbarulo, the last descendant of an ancient family of jewelers who put their artistic talents at the service of innovation and the creation of the accessory par excellence of the shirts. The skill of Barbarulo revolutionized the very way to wear cufflinks. Christian is a constant commitment to experimentation that does not lose sight of the lessons of history.[charme-gallery]

The same as that on the one hand brings to light the shapes of the first twins dating back to 1660, on the other tip to fix your gaze on the future, through some sort of intimate connection with the products of contemporary art. Not by chance in September Barbarulo present a collection of masterpieces, real works of art in miniature, inspired by the creativity of some artists of the Neapolitan scene. Revolutionary, moreover, the idea of creating the “single-twin”, the accessory dedicated to the woman of class to wear on the wrist: bracelets-polypropylene created in collaboration with Sabina Albano e Sergio Catalano.

Cristiano Barbarulo
Piazza Amedeo, 16/I – Passeggiata Colonna
80121 Napoli
tel. +39.081.403512 [charme-gallery]