The brand that goes beyond beauty


Beauty – but not just to wear or show off, it must make an impression and leave an echo of enchantment in its wake. Beyond beauty: freedom, exquisite manufacture and versatility expressed in two letters: “TK”, which stand for glamour, fashion, taste, charm and quality. TaKeshy Kurosawa is not just a brand it’s a line of garments tailored to young, refined men who love elegance and style even in casual dress. TK clothing is a style and a brand that is taking the country and the continent by storm with a look that evokes hand-crafted, made inItalystyle. Targeted in particular on those who love innovative glamour and trend-setting style, the TaKeshy Kurosawa collection adds taste and charming elegance to apparel for any time of day or night. [charme-gallery]Quality then, and freedom from the dictates of the dominant fashion of the moment are key to understanding the TK man. His style reflects his narcissistic tendency and he wants to emulate no one but himself. He sets the fashion he is the one to emulate, with his painstakingly finished garments where nothing is improvised and everything stems from a taste for beauty. Beauty created by the style professionals on the “Creative Team” who observe young people – their lives and their habits – and then create products that are the fruit of the subconscious desires of those who will wear them. TK has boutiques in cities likeBolognaandMilanand a prestigious showroom at Cis, the world’s most famous wholesale clothing centre in Nola, where its style stands out from today’s runof-the-mill fashion. The TK man is anything but runof-the-mill, he is exclusive, anticonventional and is not prepared to just love or show off beauty: he goes beyond it.