Tag: frittatine di pasta
Pancakes, donuts, panzarotti and rice balls in Piazza del Gesu with...
Donuts and panzarotti Piazza del Gesu with the premiere of "Strit" Food Festival. "Strit" Exactly. You read that right. It is written just like...
Slide of one week the “Naples Strit Food Festival”
Given the tam tam godereccio of recent days, only a cataclysm could halt the most anticipated event gourmand in town. The weather is clear:...
Here comes the “Napoli Strit Food Festival”
Pizzas “wraparound”, pastas grown, rice balls, croquettes with “soul” racy, omelettes pasta, bagels, mozzarella in a carriage, scagliozzi of polenta, “cuoppi” of land and...