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Wednesday 22 January 2025
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(Italiano) Francis Bacon Transformation, mostra a Villa Fiorentino a Sorrento

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.A Villa Fiorentino a Sorrento, il 20 maggio, si apre al pubblico la mostra Francis Bacon Transformation. The Barry...

(Italiano) Si accendono le mille luci di New York a Palazzo...

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.Le mille luci di New York a Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano. Con la mostra di sedici opere di...

So Di Martino’s brushes see Capri

Capri seen through the eyes and brushes of a caprese that has left the island. Ugo Di Martino is the first caprese painter to exhibit...

The angels of Zoboli continue the show

The angels of Vanvitelli continue to fly. And to impress with their charm works of art. The great success enjoyed by the exhibition “Dal...

The scheduled shows to Naples during May of Monuments

Not only Monuments, cloisters, church squares and courtyards. During Neapolitan May, there is also an infinity of shows. For all the tastes and for...

Totino’s genius on display at Real Polverificio of Scafati

Doors open Friday, March 22, in the Chapel of Santa Barbara at Real Polverificio Bourbon of Scafati (SA), for the retrospective exhibition dedicated to...