“Dante’s Inferno” lives again in the Underground Museum

Virgilio- Enzo Varone e Dante - Salvatore Mazza

After enchanted over 700 thousand spectators in the Caves of Pertosa and Castelcivita, “Dante’s Inferno” signed Tappeto Volante continues its exciting journey and stops, with a new, exclusive, exhibition, in the Underground Museum of Naples. First dates of a long series, Saturday 26 and Sunday, September 27, when in the attractive location with access from Piazza Cavour 140, viewers in groups of up to 100 people at a time, will go down into hell, every hour, to attend a unique event with adapted and directed by Domenico Maria Corrado and music by Enzo Gragnaniello.

Based on the first cantica of Dante Alighieri’s poem, we recount the journey of the great poet of the ten circles of hell in search of love. A series of meetings with extraordinary characters of the realm of lost souls divided into three stages, each of which will star a different room of the museum that stretches for about 3,000 square meters to 25 meters below Piazza Cavour.

In the first, the “White”, the audience will meet Dante, who in the company of Virgil, will start its exciting journey and overcoming the wrath of Charon the demon, will listen to the voice of love with Beatrice, will challenge the cries of Minos and will be moved to the words of Francesca da Polenta embraced her Paul. In the room of riggiole, will be the turn of Cerberus, Pluto, the God of Wealth, Farinata degli Uberti and Cavalcante Cavalcanti.

In the third room, Dante, Virgil and the audience will meet instead Ulysses, Count Ugolino and Lucifer.

Other goodies of Tappeto Volente, always set in the Museum, the show of Massimo Andrei, “Fables Underground”: a path of short stories, funny stories and fantastic, cunti ancient and urban legends born or set in the ground.For info and reservations www.tappetovolante.org or 339 18 88 611.