The bishops of Campania choose Capri for the spring Episcopal meeting


Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe and the Bishops of Campania came together to Capri for the spring meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Campania. The meeting was held in the parish church of Anacapri and was followed by a concert of choirs sacred of the island in the former Santo Stefano Cathedral, in Capri, where this morning there was the celebration of the liturgy presided over by the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Sepe. Welcomed by the parish priest moderator island, Don Carmine Del Gaudio, the Bishops of the Terra Felix have stayed at La Palma hotel and have been landed in Piazzetta for a greeting with tourists, the faithful and the authorities of the island. Before leaving the “Azure Island” the prelateshaving gathered in prayer for the dead and their families, have issued a statement in which they demand “the Italian and European institutions, faced with the daily chronicles of migrants who risk their lives knowing that rise on barges crumbling, do not drop into oblivion this terrible tragedy and use its best endeavors in order to prevent the recurrence of similar massacres”.