Golf course just a short distance from Amalfi Coast


Golf lovers can play a round and discover the natural beauty of Salerno and Cilento at Le Costiere Golf Course just a few Kilometres from the Amalfi Coast. 18 holes championship course Par 73, designed for professionals and amateurs.[charme-gallery]

General Manager Gianmarco Fasano explains: “It’s an 18 holes affiliated in the Italian Federation of Golf with all the Standards of a championship course with a practice area and golf academy with PGA professionals”. The elegant Club House with all the services as changing rooms and caddie master service, it’s a perfect place for  relax after a round of golf. Le Costiere Golf it’s the perfect place for all kind of golfers, improve their game in our golf academy.[charme-gallery]

Le Costiere Persano Royal Golf

Viale Gioacchino Murat

84028  Serre (Salerno)

Tel.: +39.0828.199.15.76

Cell. +39.0828.199.90.80